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Monday, October 31, 2011

US Natural Hazard Weather Warnings

This map features the NOAA/National Weather Service current weather warnings for the USA being served as an ArcGIS Server live map service by the USGS Natural Hazards Support System: . The NHSS Watches/Warnings contains all of the current weather watches and warnings issued by NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). NHSS retrieves these feeds every 10 minutes and uses the information for active weather watches and warnings to update the layer. NHSS uses the same Watch and Warning Map Colors that were developed by the NWS. You can identify the weather warning polygons and in the Identify results you'll see a clickable link in the Web field that takes you to the actual warning report for that warning. I added a note on the map following today's news on the heavy snow and frost in the North East area.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Animal diseases in the Netherlands

This map service is published by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Agriculture and innovation. It shows outbreak areas of all possible domestic animal diseases. Click on the colored areas to get more information on the zone. Open the large scale map to change basemaps and to see what diseases are included but not present at this moment.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Anzegem municipality publishes zonation plans

The municipality of Anzegem (Belgium, West-Vlaanderen) publishes zonation plans as a web service. These plans can be combined with the Biological Appreciation Map (INBO) showing the ecological value of parcels. Anzegem is doing this through the GOVMAPS.EU program which sets up a Spatial Data Infrastructure for several municipalities based on secured ArcGIS Server technology. Due to this, it is necessary to open the map on to view the zonation:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Select the right base map for your work

The map below is a map presentation showing different base maps at the same place. Depending on the data you want to show on top, some of the base maps are more suitable than others depending on the area. You will see the Antwerp Central Station and Zoo area as well as a smaller scale map. Note the rich open streetmap coverage in the city center. You can pause the presentation at any moment and navigate in the map afterwards.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Flooding in Thailand

On this live map you can see the flooding in Thailand as well as the flooded road segments. Information on the roads is available. For more explanations you will have to learn some Thai however...

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Live data of water level in rivers

This web map shows live stream gauge data furnished by USGS. The web map features a live map service from the USGS Water Watch Program. The stream data displays gauging stations where stream information is collected such as stage or river level, discharge, or other parameters. The colored dots represent the current stage measured against a 30 year data set and grouped by percentile. Dark blue means high water, red means low water levels. Rivers are shown in blue, watershed boundaries in red. If you zoom out you will be able to see all water gauges in the US indicating the wet and the dry areas.

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Electricity network example

This is normally not a public map, it is a demo map showing power lines, meters and houses with all information attached (zoom in to see the meters). If you open the full map you can push the edit button and add meters and poles. When adding meters you can automatically make the "snap" tot the powerlines by using the CRTL button. These new data are then stored in a database. Try it! When clicking the meters you will find more information scrolling down: figures, a pie chart and a bar chart.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Earth quakes of the past week (USGS)

This web map shows recent earthquakes The web map uses a live map service from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. Click on the earthquake locations to see details.

The earthquake layer shows world earthquakes in the past 7 days, obtained from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program ( The earthquakes are symbolized by the magnitude of the earthquake. The recent earthquake zone in Turkey is indicated in red.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Poultry density in the world

The density of poultry is shown below using an OGC WMS map service from FAO on top on the Esri imagery service of the world. Dark brown areas have a higher poultry density than light yellow areas. Notice the difference in poultry production (and probably consumption) around the Mediterranean region or the UK and Ireland.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid

This is probably also a map you haven't seen before. Magnetic anomaly maps provide insight into the subsurface structure and composition of the Earth's crust. Notice the anomalies from the normal magnetic field by the strong colors.

For more information, see

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Corine landcover around the Etna

The combination of Bingmaps with the EEA Corine landcover shows interesting land use patterns around the Etna Volcano in Italy.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rooftop heat map of Brussels

The rooftop heat map of Brussels reveals what rooftops are emitting more heat than others which can be caused by too much heating or too little insulation.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

European population density map (Eurostat)

Eurostat is gathering population statistics from all member countries. The result is published online:

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It seems that the WMS Inspire Map service has been taken off-line at this moment...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occurrence of Flooding between 1998 and 2008

The map is based on one of the services of the EEA in Denmark and shows the number of flooding events between 1998 and 2008 on a scale from 0 tot 6 (where 6 means more than 5 flooding events) from light yellow (1 flooding) to dark brown (more than 5 floodings).

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Bathing water quality in Europe

This map shows pie charts of fresh water bathing water areas. The size of each segment of the pie charts is proportional to the number of stations falling within defined classifications. The segments are coloured according to the classification of the bathing water quality. Pie chart by country are based on all reported bathing water stations under Bathing Water Directive. Green is good quality, red is bad quality.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hourly Ozone measurements in Europe

The European Environmental Agency is collecting and publishing hourly Ozone values for Europe through a web service. Map service courtesy of Jan Bliki (EEA).

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Friday, October 14, 2011

SIGGIS participates in the Brussels Ekiden Run

SIGGIS participates in the Ekiden! Map created by Jan Creupelandt & slightly enhanced afterwards... Tribute to our running heroes:

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Volcanoes, rift faults, earthquakes & population density

Surprising what a combination of population density, rift faults, earthquakes and volcanoes can reveal! All features have information linked to them. For detailed views, use the larger map.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Current surface sea water temperature

This map combines an OGC WMS service with the Ocean base map showing the current surface sea water temperature. The WMS service is part of a non cached weather WMS service which also contains the wind directions, wind speeds and air temperatures over the US. Only the sea surface temperature covers the whole world. Observe the interesting area West of South America where sea currents have a large effect on the water temperature.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Accessibility on Earth

The map below shows the accessibility of areas on earth (Courtesy of JRC of the EC, World Bank & UNEP). Accessibility is defined both by road and by waterways. Yellow areas are very accessible, blue to purple areas are not easily reachable. Western Europe has almost no "remote" areas any more. Zoom in on Africa to see the effect of major roads and South America to see the effect of waterways. More information on the accessibility study can be found at The map was made using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Historic Oil Spills on a map

The map below is a combination of a web resource in KMZ format and the new ocean base map of Esri. It shows Oil Spill data all over the world. Many details on these including photographs can be obtained by clicking the spill zones or point sources. To view the complete information, maximize the pop-ups. The KML data are loaded live above the map, have a little patience, it might take 20 seconds before the oil spills are loaded from a different website. Have a look at the BP oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, the link includes a small movie.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Number of tractors per 100 inhabitants

This map was made by importing statistical data in a CSV file to The size of the dots is in relation with the number of tractors for every 100 inhabitants. Clicking on the dots shows the proportion of tractors and vans in a pie chart. The map was made during a live demo session for 55 participants of the Flemish Government Esri User day today. It shows the power of the portal for ArcGIS in communicating with maps.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time enabled maps

Maps are getting time enabled! The below example shows the evolution of CO2 emissions over many years. Click on View Larger Map and discover the evolution of C02 emission in the world. For a custom map for Europe click here. It can take 20 secs before the time data are complete. Click time on the custom map to enable the time slider. Clicking the country dots shows you the evolution of C02 emissions in that country.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

GIS for everyone?

With this blog I'm not only sharing interesting GIS applications for everyone but also explaining how to share information using maps on the portal for arcgis, be it the portal, a cloud or private implementation. Let's communicate with maps!

As a first example of a simple map, I've inserted some important locations of the offices of the Vlaamse Overheid in Brussels. Simple? Yes, but I immediately added something intelligent to the map: a presentation of different locations using different background maps:

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