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Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year Samoa!

Samoa switched time zones by redrawing the international dateline. The change occurred at midnight on December 29, 2011, taking the Pacific island nation straight into December 31, 2011. Neighboring American Samoa will remain on the eastern side of the dateline, resulting in a time difference of a whole day between the two territories, which are a mere 50 kilometers apart. Click on the map to get time zones or on the red rectangle to get more information on the change in Samoa.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mapping HIV/Aids in the world

Having lived in Africa for 13 years, I have seriously experienced the influence of HIV/AIDS on populations in Central and Southern Africa. Aidsmap is mapping the statistics of the disease, results are published through a map service which I used to make this map. If you open the full map, you will be able to visualise many more statistics such as mortality rates and other health data. More information can be found on Aidsmap.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

European Commission LIFE projects

The map below is based on a regular map service of the EEA converted into a feature layer. LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the EU, as well as in some candidate, acceding and neighbouring countries. Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed some 3506 projects, contributing approximately €2.5 billion to the protection of the environment. More information can be found here. Clicking on the locations returns the project codes and complete overview. Note the custom layout popups!

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Belgian Beer Map

Belgium is a real beer country. Below you can see 164 locations of important breweries, home breweries and beer tasting pubs in Belgium. As a basemap I used the National Geographic Basemap. Clicking on the locations gives you more information as well as a link to the website if available. The locations were found at the Beer Mapping site.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Cell phone towers around my house

Cell phone reception is terrible where I live, reason enough to check on the BIPT site where the cell phone antennas are placed around me. I mapped all antennas with a certain postal code based on their address and yes, there are not too many towers around me. Based on the BIPT code of the tower, you can find out whether it is shared among different operators. There are currently 8774 cell towers (approved or requested) in Belgium.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Detailed Large Scale Map Flanders

The Detailed Large Scale Map of Flanders (GRB, Grootschalig Referentie Bestand) is showing a lot of details on the public domain, parcels and buildings. The basemap is an elevation map. More information can be found on The complete map for Flanders should be finalised in a few years. The status of the creation can be found here. The map is made based on a WMS service.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bike nodes & Google Streetview thumbnails

This map shows the bike nodes of the bicycle networks of 4 different zones in Flanders with their node numbers. If you click on one of the nodes however you will also see the thumbnail of the google streetview image of that point (if available,otherwise it will be black), quite interesting!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tienen new ring road

The city of Tienen has planned a completely new ring road but the only plans one can find are low resolution drawings on topographic maps. I copied the map and added it to ArcGIS online which makes it much clearer what the effects could be. A link to the document of the Province was added to the road. A full web application for the large public was made available here.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wastewater & water distribution map

This map shows both water and wastewater in Little Rock. You can see the rich symbology of all the items in the map: sewers, gates, fire hydrants,... Data are from the Central Arkansas Water & Little Rock Wastewater Utilities.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Walking Route GR-129 from Brugge tot Ronse

Walking routes are often available as KML or GPX. Both can be added to and even symbology is kept. The map below was made in 2 minutes. On the site one can find several walking routes, simply link tot the file and your map is made. You can either link to the downloaded file or link to the online file which automatically updates the map when the file is updated. Search for "Mont Noir" in the location search and you will find another interesting walking route with pictures associated. The larger walking route starts from my former home town Brugge, the most beautiful town in Western Europe, something I will try to prove in a different map...

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Air Quality Measurement Stations around Antwerp

The map below shows air quality measurement stations around the city and harbour of Antwerp. In the popup you can also see the current measurements as well as a picture of the station. The data are the most recent data available. Clicking on the graph gives you the full resolution data. The data are collected by the VMM (Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij). Interpolated maps on air quality can be found here. The VMM also publishes Animated maps of air quality as shown below this map. The source of the data is

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

National Geographic Map

Remember the good old school maps? This map is designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes as well as a basemap by GIS professionals and other users for creating web maps and web mapping applications. The map was developed by National Geographic and Esri and reflects the distinctive National Geographic cartographic style in a multi-scale reference map of the world. The map was authored using data from a variety of leading data providers, including DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, NASA, ESA, USGS, and others. This reference map includes administrative boundaries, cities, protected areas, highways, roads, railways, water features, buildings and landmarks, overlaid on shaded relief and land cover imagery for added context. The map includes global coverage down to ~1:144k scale and more detailed coverage for North America down to ~1:9k scale. Although small-scale boundaries, place names and map notes were provided and edited by National Geographic, boundaries and names shown do not necessarily reflect the map policy of the National Geographic Society, particularly at larger scales where content has not been thoroughly reviewed or edited by National Geographic.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Live Weather Data Belgium

The maps below are showing real-time meteo data, partly from airport meteo stations and partly from the KNMI (rainfall data). Belgium will be in the eye of a storm in the coming days so it will be interesting to see the evolution below. Clicking on the dots will give you the temperature, wind and humidity values. Thanks to the extent values all maps can be visualised with the same extent. Have a bit of patience with the 3 maps on the right and bottom. Their map service is a bit slower than the rainfall map.
---------------------------------Rainfall------------------------------------------------------- Wind Speed and direction------------------------

--------------------------------Temperature---------------------------------------------------------Relative Humidity---------------------------

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bathymetry & whale sightings

Not too much time today for an impressive map but I wanted to share my Orca watching experience aboard a whale watching vessel in the De Fuca Street near Victoria on the border between Canada and the US. Very nice bathymetry and elevation map.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Airplane track map

You can easily find both ship and airplane track services on internet. Since these are sometimes made available in KML format, they can be added to a map. For the map below I added the locations and tracks of airplanes approaching Los Angeles Airport (LAX). You can click on the airplanes to get flight information, elevation and speed. Check altitude and speed near the airport and further away. There is a delay of 15 minutes between the real position of the plane and the position on the map. Beware the airplane symbol on the map does not indicate the flight direction! If you would like to view a real airplane tracking application based on the Esri Flash viewer, check out the Heathrow aiport WebTrak application which also gives you information on noise.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Global Tide Stations (Buoys)

This map presents the locations of global tide monitoring buoys. This map was developed as part of the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Natural Hazards Support System (NHSS) which is available at Although this map was developed by the USGS, it contains data and information from a variety of public data sources, including non-USGS data. Therefore detailed information about each of these data providers, including specific data source, data currency and disclaimers, is provided at

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Flemish schools mapped based on address list

The map below is made with ArcGIS Explorer online using a simple basemap and dragging a tab delimited text file on it which can be found on the website of the department of education of Flanders. ArcGIS Explorer online accepts live geocoding through drag and drop of text files. If it does not recognize automatically the address fields (click on a school to check the needed fields), you can still map the fields with the required ones. It is also possible to link to text or csv files on the web. The data represented is a selection of secondary schools that offer Technical Education.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cartographic Portal of the Walloon Region

The Walloon region is making a lot of data available through services (both ArcIMS and WMS services, in some cases also ArcGIS Server Services). More information can be found on the RW website. Metadata on the PICC dataset shown below can be found here. The dataset is covering more than three quarters of the Walloon Region. The image below is from an area in Charleroi. Use the location search to get to other areas. The data are shown in Lambert 72 projection (non transformed). They can unfortunately not yet be combined with Web Mercator data due to the lack of transformation.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Arctic Whale Survey

The map below shows results from an arctic whale survey carried out by Oceans North Canada
(Pew Environment Group). More information on the survey can be found here with a separate mapping application here. Interesting links: listen to Whale sounds and see pictures of the impressing Baffin Bay area.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Map Art: Level III_IV Ecoregions

The most important reason why I am including this map is because it is so beautiful, a real work of art. But if you zoom in, you will also find a lot of detail on the ecoregions. Metadata on the map can be found here.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Carte de France (Rumsey)

Bernie Szukalski transmitted this link today in his RSS feed. The Carte de France was one of the first national surveys completed on the same scale, 100 toises (a toise was equal to 6ft and the equivalent scale today would be 1:86,400), according to a specific plan. It was led by several generations of the Cassini family (not to be confused with the Italian globemaker Giovanni M. Cassini) starting in the 1740's and continuing through the French revolution and Napoleon's time, to 1815. Four generations of the Cassini family held the position of director of the Paris Observatory, and three of those worked on the Carte de France: Jacques Cassini (Cassini II, 1677-1756); Cesar-Francois Cassini (Cassini III, 1714-1784); and Jean Dominique Cassini (Cassini IV, 1748-1845). The 182 sheets that comprise the map are superb examples of cartographic engraving. The use of trigonometric surveying techniques gave the map a high degree of accuracy for its time. Below you see an area in what is now Flanders:

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

NOAA Nautical Chart

Ever wondered what a map of the sea looks like? Below you find a part of the Nautical map of NOAA with separation zones and security zones. Metadata on the map can be found on Try a location search on "Florida" to see a different part of the map. What is technically new with this map? If you open the larger map you will find that the original extent of the saved map is completely different. With the current version of, the default embedded sharing is taking over the current zoom extent of the map, not the original saved map. Much easier to embed exactly that part of the map you want to show!

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

European Airport Traffic Map

The map below was made based on an EEA map service. I created a query layer enabling me to change the symbology (annual number of passengers) and add a pie chart (number of people disturbed by day and night flights between certain hours).

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Global Climate Observation System (GCOS)

I found this dataset on the Geo.Data.GOV geoportal. The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) provides an operational framework for integrating, and enhancing as needed, observational systems of participating countries and organizations into a comprehensive system focused on the requirements for climate issues. GCOS builds upon, andworks in partnership with, other existing and developing observing systemssuch as the Global Ocean Observing System, the Global Terrestrial Observing System, and the Global Observing System and Global Atmospheric Watch of theWorld Meteorological Organization. It is co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU). GCOS addresses the total climate system including physical, chemical and biological properties, and atmospheric,oceanic, hydrologic, cryospheric and terrestrial processes. I added a link to a Bing Birds Eye View image for each station. Zoom out on that image if you have a blurred view, it means the available resolution for Bing is not high at that spot.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Soil Water Balance Time enabled

This map shows clearly the new embedding possibilities of the last portal for ArcGIS version: embedded legend, description and location search. It is a map published by the EEA which can also be found on the Eye on Earth website, an implementation of the portal for ArcGIS for Organizations. The portal is still in a preview mode but you can already observe the way can be implemented within an organization. Eye on Earth was realized through a Public Private Partnership.

View Larger Mapif you want to see the evolution in time.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New version released yesterday!

Yesterday, a new version of was released. More details can be found here or on the blog site. Quite a few very interesting enhancements with regard to KML support, spatial searches and secured layers. Check it out! One of the interesting new enhancements is the new embedding options: map extents are automatically generated, legends and descriptions can be shown. I added a legend and a location search on yesterday's map.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Supermarket access: sharing your geographic analysis

The supermarket access map below is an example of how the result of geographic analysis can be shared in the portal for ArcGIS. The green dots represent populations in poverty who live within one mile of a supermarket. The red dots represent populations in poverty who live beyond a one mile walk to a supermarket, but may live within a 10 minute drive...assuming they have access to a car. The grey dots represent the total population in a given area.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Esri Redlands Campus - training on portal for arcgis

Not too much time today to create a new blog post but this is the map I used this morning to get to the Esri Campus site for a training course on private portal for arcgis installation. Notice the detailed topographic basemap!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Geological Map of Austria, a time enabled patchwork

Publishing geological maps is one of the main tasks of the Geological Survey of Austria.
This Web Map is a collection of following maps:
Geological Map 1:50.000
Regional Geological Maps
Geological Maps of Federal States
Geological Maps 1:75.000

The Geological Map 1:50.000 is the main geological map of the Geological survey of Austria.
Regional Geological Maps show a wide range in scale and quality. Geological Maps of Federal States are in the Scale of 1:100.000 and 1:200.000. They cover a whole Federal State of Austria with one or two sheets. The map is time enabled and can be visualised in function of time.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Topographic and Military Map 1850

Jeroen Van Winden (Esri NL) published this historic map from 1850: a topographic and military map for the Netherlands. It is a mosaic of several individual maps.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

GIS in Africa

My post of today is technically not a special map but content-wise it is very special for me, I have lived for almost 7 years in Rwanda and found somebody just posted the Points of Interest for Kigali, the capital of Rwanda on top of a nice open streetmap. The dots represent different types of POIs (business directory Kigali).

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Live rainfall (buienradar) & temperature map Belgium

This is a combination of the KMNI live rainfall map (low resolution), the NOAA live temperature map and the EEA live ozone map. The triangles show the ozone values (green = OK), the blue areas are rainfall areas and the colored dots represent the relative temperature range for Belgium. It seems the map doesn't always load when you're not logged in on In that case either log in or load the larger map (which doesn't require you to log in).

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Labels on web maps based on uploaded files

Even on it is possible to add labels. The method is explained here. An example is shown below in the Belgian police zone map. When you zoom out the labels will disappear, they are scale dependent. Due to the large amount of data, it can take half a minute before loading the map, have some patience!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Water towers in Flanders

This map was published by the Flemish Government (Philip Thomas, VMM) and shows a number of Water Towers in Flanders with their picture and name.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dashboards & GIS

The maps below are not very attractive as an i-frame but when you open them in ArcGIS Explore online you will see the real power behind: thanks to the dashboard functionality you can view and compare statistics from one area (hover over) with several areas (select). Statistics are calculated on the fly. There is one German map on population statistics and one UK map on criminality in the London area. Check out the dashboards by opening the larger maps (Silverlight plugin needed)!

Population Statistics in Germany

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Crime Statistics in London

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Census of marine life

The Census of Marine Life is a 10-year international effort undertaken in to assess the diversity (how many different kinds), distribution (where they live), and abundance (how many) of marine life—a task never before attempted on this scale. The Census stimulated the discipline of marine science by tackling these issues globally, and engaging some 2,700 scientists from around the globe, who participated in 540 expeditions and countless hours of land-based research. The scientific results were reported on October 4, 2010 at the Royal Institution in London. The map below shows scientifically important finds and new species. The map is composed of the Esri ocean base map combined with a KML file.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Window on the world

The map below is showing a selection of webcam images around the world that are updated very regularly. The map is showing points with the image as a symbology. Just zooming and panning will update the images. Check out the three web cams on Antartica.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Belgium traffic density

A very simple map, yet interesting to integrate in a mobile application: traffic density of the Belgian roads as served through map services by the Walloon region. Click here to open the map.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One map or four maps?

One or four maps? It is just one map but published with 4 separate extents. Just add "&extent,Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax" to the URL and you can show different locations of the same map. It is also possible to center the map on certain locations at a certain zoom level. Interesting to link to objects on the map. Guess what the 4 different Belgian locations are below!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wastewater map for firefighters

Leiedal published a wastewater map (pipes & manholes in green) for the firefighters. Based on this map, firefighters can do their job more efficiently e.g. in case of flooding. The map service is published on the joint Govmaps GIS platform. Access to the data behind the map is disabled here, no popups in this map! Zooming in allows you to see the address points as well.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Environmental noise map

Environmental noise —unwanted or harmful outdoor sound — is spreading, both in its duration and geographical coverage. Noise is associated with many human activities, but it is road, rail and air traffic noise that has the highest impact. This is particularly a problem for the urban environment; about 75 % of Europe’s population lives in cities, and traffic volumes are still on the rise. Country reviews show that the number of complaints related to environmental noise is increasing in many European countries. This map depicts the mean noise agglomeration at 55dB Lden per source (Air, Industry, Road, & Rail) across city coverage. Source: EEA

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bathymetric survey tracks

Bathymetric surveys intend to make detailed depth profiles under water. This map shows the survey tracks of many survey vessels. The details of each survey are available by clicking on the track lines. The dense coverage in green and orange is based on multibeam surveys from 1980 to 2010.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Extra Terrestrial GIS?

NASA is publishing data on other planets (Mars) in this case through WMS map services. I used the NASA service as a base map with the detailed elevation on top of it. More detail can be seen on the full map using the detailed narrow angle camera mosaic data. These data can be used exactly the same way as traditional GIS data with annotations and overlays. The map isn't cached which means every image is created on the fly. The feature below is the Elysium Mons, one of the highest mountains on Mars.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Temperature map for Western Europe (live data)

What is the difference between the map on the bottom and the map below? Very different you would say? Not at all, both maps are using exactly the same map service from NOAA on top. The default map from NOAA is showing wind direction and intensity for the whole world. I made a feature layer of the service in ArcGIS Explorer Online, I applied a filter to show only selected countries from Western Europe and changed the symbology to show temperature data. The popup was changed to show the temperature in the header next to the station name. You can make many maps with just one web service! To view two maps synchronised side by side click here.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Live Traffic cameras

The URLs and images of traffic observation cameras are public for a large part of the US. A comma delimited file with latitude and longitude of the camera locations and the URL with the images is all you need to make your own traffic camera map:

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Flanders Heritage sites

The VIOE in Flanders is publishing heritage sites as shape files and kml. Both can be integrated in which was done for complete heritage sites and church organs (West-Vlaanderen only). Below you see the heritage sites of Leuven. There are more details available for each site when you click on it. Move to West-Vlaanderen to see the historic church organs on the map. Data courtesy of VIOE ( I also published a complete customised web app here.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Old maps coming to life again

The atlas of the municipalities in the Netherlands dates back from 1868. It was drawn by Jacob Kuyper. The map service is published by Esri Nederland. I have combined the map using 15 percent transparency with Bing maps. If you zoom in more you will see the imagery below since the atlas itself is not visible at a larger scale.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Biological Value Map of Flanders

The Biological Value Map in Flanders shows the degree of biological value of parcels. A separate layer is indicating the fauna value with regard to rare species. Click on the map to check the fauna value. The map can be opened in a separate application with this link.

Explanation on the code can be found on:

Explanation on the BWK itself is available on:

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Antwerp thermography

The thermography map of Antwerp covers everything, not only the buildings (cf Brussels thermography map). You can find many interesting items on the map based on their temperature (cold = dark, warm = red). I indicated a few interesting places on the map. If you open the large scale map you can change the transparency of the aerial photograph to see what items are hot and what items are cold. You can also access the application that was made to consult the thermography data on this link. I added a presentation of remarkable heat radiation places when you open the map with ArcGIS Explorer Online or open the presentation immediately (Silverlight plugin needed).

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Wind farm distribution in the US

Yet another wind related map, this map shows actual wind farm distribution in the US, more information on the wind farms can be found by clicking the points. Orange points are planned facilities, the green points show facilities in production. If you would like to see examples of a dashboard, open the map in ArcGIS Explorer online and select a number of wind farms to show the total power, number of plants and number of turbines. Open ArcGIS Explorer map here.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wind opportunity map of the Netherlands

This map is part of a study comparing potential wind energy and local opportunities to install wind mills. When you open the larger map you will be able to activate other important geodata in the evaluation of new sites for wind energy parks. Green means lower potential, Orange higher potential.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bucharest Metro map

This map is used on the website of the website of Bucharest to show parking places and metro lines for commuters.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Live wind speed & direction map

Arrows indicate the wind direction, the size and the color show the wind speed. This is a dynamic wind map for a large part of the world. Click on the arrows to get the complete info from the meteorological station that provided the data. While only wind is shown as a symbol, a lot of other meteorological data are available in the popup.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

US Natural Hazard Weather Warnings

This map features the NOAA/National Weather Service current weather warnings for the USA being served as an ArcGIS Server live map service by the USGS Natural Hazards Support System: . The NHSS Watches/Warnings contains all of the current weather watches and warnings issued by NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). NHSS retrieves these feeds every 10 minutes and uses the information for active weather watches and warnings to update the layer. NHSS uses the same Watch and Warning Map Colors that were developed by the NWS. You can identify the weather warning polygons and in the Identify results you'll see a clickable link in the Web field that takes you to the actual warning report for that warning. I added a note on the map following today's news on the heavy snow and frost in the North East area.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Animal diseases in the Netherlands

This map service is published by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Agriculture and innovation. It shows outbreak areas of all possible domestic animal diseases. Click on the colored areas to get more information on the zone. Open the large scale map to change basemaps and to see what diseases are included but not present at this moment.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Anzegem municipality publishes zonation plans

The municipality of Anzegem (Belgium, West-Vlaanderen) publishes zonation plans as a web service. These plans can be combined with the Biological Appreciation Map (INBO) showing the ecological value of parcels. Anzegem is doing this through the GOVMAPS.EU program which sets up a Spatial Data Infrastructure for several municipalities based on secured ArcGIS Server technology. Due to this, it is necessary to open the map on to view the zonation:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Select the right base map for your work

The map below is a map presentation showing different base maps at the same place. Depending on the data you want to show on top, some of the base maps are more suitable than others depending on the area. You will see the Antwerp Central Station and Zoo area as well as a smaller scale map. Note the rich open streetmap coverage in the city center. You can pause the presentation at any moment and navigate in the map afterwards.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Flooding in Thailand

On this live map you can see the flooding in Thailand as well as the flooded road segments. Information on the roads is available. For more explanations you will have to learn some Thai however...

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Live data of water level in rivers

This web map shows live stream gauge data furnished by USGS. The web map features a live map service from the USGS Water Watch Program. The stream data displays gauging stations where stream information is collected such as stage or river level, discharge, or other parameters. The colored dots represent the current stage measured against a 30 year data set and grouped by percentile. Dark blue means high water, red means low water levels. Rivers are shown in blue, watershed boundaries in red. If you zoom out you will be able to see all water gauges in the US indicating the wet and the dry areas.

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Electricity network example

This is normally not a public map, it is a demo map showing power lines, meters and houses with all information attached (zoom in to see the meters). If you open the full map you can push the edit button and add meters and poles. When adding meters you can automatically make the "snap" tot the powerlines by using the CRTL button. These new data are then stored in a database. Try it! When clicking the meters you will find more information scrolling down: figures, a pie chart and a bar chart.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Earth quakes of the past week (USGS)

This web map shows recent earthquakes The web map uses a live map service from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. Click on the earthquake locations to see details.

The earthquake layer shows world earthquakes in the past 7 days, obtained from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program ( The earthquakes are symbolized by the magnitude of the earthquake. The recent earthquake zone in Turkey is indicated in red.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Poultry density in the world

The density of poultry is shown below using an OGC WMS map service from FAO on top on the Esri imagery service of the world. Dark brown areas have a higher poultry density than light yellow areas. Notice the difference in poultry production (and probably consumption) around the Mediterranean region or the UK and Ireland.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid

This is probably also a map you haven't seen before. Magnetic anomaly maps provide insight into the subsurface structure and composition of the Earth's crust. Notice the anomalies from the normal magnetic field by the strong colors.

For more information, see

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Corine landcover around the Etna

The combination of Bingmaps with the EEA Corine landcover shows interesting land use patterns around the Etna Volcano in Italy.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rooftop heat map of Brussels

The rooftop heat map of Brussels reveals what rooftops are emitting more heat than others which can be caused by too much heating or too little insulation.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

European population density map (Eurostat)

Eurostat is gathering population statistics from all member countries. The result is published online:

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It seems that the WMS Inspire Map service has been taken off-line at this moment...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occurrence of Flooding between 1998 and 2008

The map is based on one of the services of the EEA in Denmark and shows the number of flooding events between 1998 and 2008 on a scale from 0 tot 6 (where 6 means more than 5 flooding events) from light yellow (1 flooding) to dark brown (more than 5 floodings).

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Bathing water quality in Europe

This map shows pie charts of fresh water bathing water areas. The size of each segment of the pie charts is proportional to the number of stations falling within defined classifications. The segments are coloured according to the classification of the bathing water quality. Pie chart by country are based on all reported bathing water stations under Bathing Water Directive. Green is good quality, red is bad quality.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hourly Ozone measurements in Europe

The European Environmental Agency is collecting and publishing hourly Ozone values for Europe through a web service. Map service courtesy of Jan Bliki (EEA).

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Friday, October 14, 2011

SIGGIS participates in the Brussels Ekiden Run

SIGGIS participates in the Ekiden! Map created by Jan Creupelandt & slightly enhanced afterwards... Tribute to our running heroes:

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Volcanoes, rift faults, earthquakes & population density

Surprising what a combination of population density, rift faults, earthquakes and volcanoes can reveal! All features have information linked to them. For detailed views, use the larger map.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Current surface sea water temperature

This map combines an OGC WMS service with the Ocean base map showing the current surface sea water temperature. The WMS service is part of a non cached weather WMS service which also contains the wind directions, wind speeds and air temperatures over the US. Only the sea surface temperature covers the whole world. Observe the interesting area West of South America where sea currents have a large effect on the water temperature.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Accessibility on Earth

The map below shows the accessibility of areas on earth (Courtesy of JRC of the EC, World Bank & UNEP). Accessibility is defined both by road and by waterways. Yellow areas are very accessible, blue to purple areas are not easily reachable. Western Europe has almost no "remote" areas any more. Zoom in on Africa to see the effect of major roads and South America to see the effect of waterways. More information on the accessibility study can be found at The map was made using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Historic Oil Spills on a map

The map below is a combination of a web resource in KMZ format and the new ocean base map of Esri. It shows Oil Spill data all over the world. Many details on these including photographs can be obtained by clicking the spill zones or point sources. To view the complete information, maximize the pop-ups. The KML data are loaded live above the map, have a little patience, it might take 20 seconds before the oil spills are loaded from a different website. Have a look at the BP oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, the link includes a small movie.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Number of tractors per 100 inhabitants

This map was made by importing statistical data in a CSV file to The size of the dots is in relation with the number of tractors for every 100 inhabitants. Clicking on the dots shows the proportion of tractors and vans in a pie chart. The map was made during a live demo session for 55 participants of the Flemish Government Esri User day today. It shows the power of the portal for ArcGIS in communicating with maps.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time enabled maps

Maps are getting time enabled! The below example shows the evolution of CO2 emissions over many years. Click on View Larger Map and discover the evolution of C02 emission in the world. For a custom map for Europe click here. It can take 20 secs before the time data are complete. Click time on the custom map to enable the time slider. Clicking the country dots shows you the evolution of C02 emissions in that country.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

GIS for everyone?

With this blog I'm not only sharing interesting GIS applications for everyone but also explaining how to share information using maps on the portal for arcgis, be it the portal, a cloud or private implementation. Let's communicate with maps!

As a first example of a simple map, I've inserted some important locations of the offices of the Vlaamse Overheid in Brussels. Simple? Yes, but I immediately added something intelligent to the map: a presentation of different locations using different background maps:

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